This dude was giving me and my cock the eyes and I wasn’t about to let him down gently. I doubt he would forgive me if I did and I know for a fact his ass wouldn’t. He wants me to give in to my carnal desires and that starts and ends when I drive his ass to oblivion. He might try to play hard to get and that’s fine, he’s going to give it up no matter what.
He doesn’t know that I have Gay Porn Menu on my side and with that comes the ability for me to access the best gay porn sites on the net. I’m all about giving out just as much as I might be getting in return and trust me, I’m getting plenty of gay sex at the moment. You guys might as well join in on the action because there seems to be plenty of it to share around. Just be sure to keep a little extra in the tank, just because you might decide to make those cocks beg for it!